Catalogue for the exhibition of Elia Cantori at Spazio Leonardo’s Gallery, Milan.

Catalogue, 23.5×16.5 cm
32 pages
2019 © Nicola-Matteo Munari

The cover title is hot stamped
in silver foil in order to evoke
the material of which the artworks
are made.
Ph. © Nicola-Matteo Munari
in silver foil in order to evoke
the material of which the artworks
are made.
Ph. © Nicola-Matteo Munari

The typographic grid system
with a double texture that
has been designed for
the catalogues published by
Spazio Leonardo.
2019 © Nicola-Matteo Munari
with a double texture that
has been designed for
the catalogues published by
Spazio Leonardo.
2019 © Nicola-Matteo Munari
The exhibition ‘Deep Vision’ was dedicated to three artworks by Italian artist Elia Cantori that were focused on elaborating the idea of casting, the concept of copy, and the reproduction of a matrix.
The artworks of Cantori are the outcome of an authentic experimentation with materials used by the artist and they also reveal the deep intellectual sensibility of Cantori, that is expressed through an elegant and restrained aesthetic.
The catalogue is the fifth among those designed since 2018 for the exhibitions curated by UNA for Spazio Leonardo—the corporate art gallery of Leonardo Assicurazioni in Milan.

The layout has been entirely structured on a typographic grid system made of 55 modules, allowing to rationalise the size of the elements and also defining a visual rhythm that characterises the entire catalogue.
Although the rigorousness of the grid, the pages appear to be extremely fresh, luminous, and simply elegant. Also, the sequence of the pages has been carefully studied so that by browsing the catalogue is possible to perceive a clear visual development.
The few, selected images printed in the catalogue have been carefully chosen, cropped, and placed in the pages in order to enhance the photographic frames, the artworks, and the exhibition space itself.

“The artworks of Cantori represent a visual challenge for the viewer. The eye of the beholder is invited to observe more carefully and stimulated to ask questions about the process that generated them.”
Barbara Meneghel
From the Foreword
From the Foreword

The cover introduces the work of Cantori through the magnified detail of a “photographic cast” made by the artist, above which the title has been hot stamped in silver foil.
By using the silver foil it was possible to evoke both the materials used by the artist and light—a silent but essential “ingredient” of the artworks exhibited in the show.

Detail of the back cover featuring
a miniaturised version of the
title, hot stamped in silver foil.
Ph. © Nicola-Matteo Munari
a miniaturised version of the
title, hot stamped in silver foil.
Ph. © Nicola-Matteo Munari
The catalogue invites the reader to discover the works of the artist through a sober and restrained layout, that doesn’t impose itself on the contents but leaves room for the images, thus enhancing the artworks with discretion and elegance.
—Nicola-Matteo Munari
Leonardo Assicurazioni
Nicola-Matteo Munari
Cosimo Filippini
Project Date
Leonardo Assicurazioni
Nicola-Matteo Munari
Cosimo Filippini
Project Date