Exhibition graphics for Moreschi’s showroom,
designed for the Milano Design Week 2016.

Front view of the beautiful
showroom windows in Piazza
San Babila, Milan.
Ph. © All rights reserved
showroom windows in Piazza
San Babila, Milan.
Ph. © All rights reserved

Study for the graphics processing
of a 1964’s ad by AG Fronzoni
that was used as the starting point
for the design.
2016 © Nicola-Matteo Munari
of a 1964’s ad by AG Fronzoni
that was used as the starting point
for the design.
2016 © Nicola-Matteo Munari
During the Milano Design Week 2016, the windows of Moreschi’s showroom in Milan city center housed a temporary exhibition titled ‘The Lightness of the Movement,’ that was the product of a partnership between the famous fashion brand and Campeggi, a leader in the manufacturing of convertible furniture.
The exhibition was characterised by an elegant and essential graphics that was developed starting from a 1964’s advertisement that was originally designed by AG Fronzoni (1923–2002), the undisputed master of minimalism.
Fronzoni collaborated with Moreschi for one year only, developing the essence of the brand’s identity and designing the famous symbol made of two shoes forming the letter ‘M’, which is still in use and widely appreciated.

The transformation sequence
from low table to easy chair,
controlled by a mechanical lever.
Ph. © IMAXtree
from low table to easy chair,
controlled by a mechanical lever.
Ph. © IMAXtree

Technical drawing for the
set-up of the windows.
2016 © Nicola-Matteo Munari
set-up of the windows.
2016 © Nicola-Matteo Munari
The windows were equipped with three pieces of Lieve chair (meaning light chair)—designed by Giulio Manzoni (1952) and officially presented on this occasion—and some pairs of Moreschi shoes of which one displayed in such a way to evoke the shape of the trademark.
One of the chairs opened and closed itself automatically thanks to a mechanical lever that was hidden below the stage, slowly transforming from low table to easy chair.

A pair of shoes displayed in
such a way to evoke the trademark
of Moreschi.
Ph. © IMAXtree
such a way to evoke the trademark
of Moreschi.
Ph. © IMAXtree

A screenshot of Moreschi’s
Instagram page showing the promotional flyer.
Ph. © Nicola-Matteo Munari
Instagram page showing the promotional flyer.
Ph. © Nicola-Matteo Munari

Final version of the motion
graphics flyer that was
designed to promote the event.
2016 © Nicola-Matteo Munari
graphics flyer that was
designed to promote the event.
2016 © Nicola-Matteo Munari
The project also included the design of the invitation flyers, that were produced in both static and animated versions for print and online communication.
Both the set-up of the windows and the graphics received appreciations for the clarity and elegance of the design, that effectively enhanced the display space and the products exhibited for the event.
—Nicola-Matteo Munari
Campeggi | Moreschi
Nicola-Matteo Munari
Greta Bussandri
Project Date
Campeggi | Moreschi
Nicola-Matteo Munari
Greta Bussandri
Project Date